Did you know? HRCE takes great care when making the decision to alter the regular operations of schools and school buses in the event of severe or inclement weather.
It is HRCE’s goal to communicate any changes to the regular operations of schools and/or buses as close to 6:00 a.m. as possible. A 6:00 a.m. announcement could be:
All schools are delayed in opening by two hours and bus pickups are delayed by two hours; or
All schools are open, but some or all busses are not operating for the day; or
Some schools (either individually or by family – we are Eastern Shore District High Family of Schools) are closed for the day; or
All schools are closed for the day.
If weather deteriorates, or is forecasted to worsen throughout the morning, an 11:00 a.m. announcement could be:
Bussed students will be picked up two hours earlier than their regular dismissal time; and
Walking students will be dismissed at their regularly scheduled lunch hour.
How will I find out?
By email to the addresses in PowerSchool
By text message, if you have opted-in. If you aren’t sure if you have opted-in, text Y to the following number: 978338